Monday, June 6, 2011

Leadership is a choice !

Welcome to 6th Monday Musings:

There was a huge traffic jam on the Mumbai highway. It was unusually hot outside and tempers were running high inside.

Cyprian D'Souza, MD – Kanbay (Now Capegemini) India, decided to get out of the car and started to walk, he was curious to see what had contributed to the traffic jam. He requested his driver to pick him up down the road when the traffic started moving.

When he arrived at the cross-roads, he saw a young man guiding the traffic. He wasn't a policeman, he wasn't one of the many  corporate executives waiting and swearing in the cars. He was a helper from one of the many trucks waiting for the traffic to ease.

Cyprian D'Souza was struck by the truck helper to take charge of an impossible situation. Many had chosen to sit in the cars, honk the horns and curse. Others had contributed to the chaos by going around and pushing forward. Only one, and a most unlikely person, had chosen to rise to the leadership challenge.

Leadership is a choice. Leading is an activity. It's our ability to exercise our freedom to assume responsibility for the given situation. No formal education, fancy titles or fat salaries make one a leader. It's not an external assignment, but an internal resolve.

This is a true incident happened with Cyprian D'Souza, MD - Kanbay India (Authenticity of the incident is not verified)

Moral of the story :

Leadership is neither a rank nor a title. It is a choice.

The choice to provide care and protection for those for whom we are responsible.

It's the choice not to do nothing.

Make it a great Week !


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