Monday, August 29, 2011

Patience !

Welcome to 17th Monday Musings:

Once there was a sweeper in a well known temple and he was very sincere and devoted.

Every time he saw thousands of devotees coming to take Darshan of the Lord, he thought that the Lord is standing all the time and giving darshan and He must be feeling very tired.

So one day very innocently he asked the Lord whether he can take the place of the Lord for a day so that the Lord can have some relief and rest.

The Deity of Temple replied, "I do not mind taking a break. I will transform you like Myself, but you must do one thing.

you must just stand here like Me, smile at everyone and just give benedictions. Do not interfere with anything and do not say anything.

Remember you are the deity and you just have faith that I have a master plan for everything.

" The sweeper agreed to this.

The next day the sweeper took the position of the deity and a rich man came and prayed to the Lord. He offered a nice donation and prayed that his business should be prosperous.

While going, the rich man inadvertently left his wallet full of money right there.

Now the sweeper in the form of deity could not call him and  so he decided to control himself and keep quiet.

Just then a poor man came and he put one coin in the Hundi and said that it was all he could afford and he prayed to the Lord  that he should continue to be engaged in the Lord's service.

He also said that his family was in dire need of some basic needs but he left it to the good hands of the Lord to give some solution.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the wallet left by the rich man. The poor man thanked the Lord for His kindness and took the wallet very innocently.

The sweeper in the form of the Deity could not say anything and he had to just keep smiling.

At that point a sailor walked in. He prayed for his safe journey as he was going on a long trip.

Just then the rich man came with the police and said that somebody has stolen his wallet and seeing the sailor there, he asked the police to arrest him thinking that he might have taken it.

Now the sweeper in the form of Deity wanted to say that the sailor is not the thief but he could  not say so and he became greatly frustrated.

The sailor looked at the Lord and asked why he, an innocent person, is being punished.

The rich man looked at the Lord and thanked Him for finding the thief.  The sweeper in the deity form could no more tolerate and he thought that

even if the real Lord had been here, he would have definitely interfered and hence he started speaking and said that the sailor is not the thief but

it was the poor man who took away the wallet. The rich man was very thankful as also the sailor.

In the night, the real Lord came and He asked the sweeper how the day was.

The sweeper said, "I thought it would be easy, but now I know that Your days are not easy, but I did one good thing." Then he explained the whole episode to the Lord.

The Lord became very upset on hearing this whereas the sweeper thought

the Lord would appreciate him for the good deed done.

The Lord asked, "Why did you not just stick to the plan?

You had no faith in Me. Do you think that I do not understand the hearts of all those who come here?

All the donation which the rich man gave was all stolen money and it is only a fraction of what he really has and he wants Me to reciprocate unlimitedly.

The single coin offered by the poor man was the last coin he was having and he gave it to Me out of faith.

The sailor might not have done anything wrong, but if the sailor were to go in the ship that night he was about to die because of bad weather and instead if he is arrested he would be in the jail

and he would have been saved form a greater calamity.

The wallet should go to the poor man because he will use it in My service.

I was going to reduce the rich man's karma also by doing this and save the sailor also.

But you cancelled everything because you thought you know My plan and you made your own plans."

Moral of the story :

God has Plan & Justice for everyone  We just have to have Patience.

Patience is Just trusting God's timing.

Make it a great Week !


Monday, August 15, 2011

Knowledge !

Welcome to 16th Monday Musings:

Ever heard the story of the giant ship engine that failed?

The ship's owners tried one expert after another, but none of them could figure out how to fix the engine. Then they brought in an old man who had been fixing ships since he was a youngster. He carried a large bag of tools with him, and when he arrived, he immediately went to work. He inspected the engine very carefully, top to bottom.

Two of the ship's owners were there, watching this man, hoping he would know what to do. After looking over things, the old man reached into his bag and pulled out a small hammer. He gently tapped something, Instantly, the engine lurched into life. He carefully put his hammer away. The engine was fixed! A week later, the owners received a bill from the old man for ten thousand dollars.

"What?!" the owners exclaimed. "He hardly did anything!"

So they wrote the old man a note saying, "Please send us an itemized bill."

The man sent a bill that read:

Tapping with a hammer ........................ $ 2.00
Knowing where to tap .......................... $ 9998.00

Moral of the story :

Effort is important, but knowing where to make an effort in your life makes all the difference !

Make it a great Week !


Monday, August 8, 2011

It is easier to criticize, but difficult to improve !

Welcome to 15th Monday Musings:

Once upon a time there was a painter who had just completed his course under disciple hood of a great painter. This young artist decided to assess his skills of skills so he decided to give his best strokes on the canvass. He took 3 days and painted beautiful scenery. Suddenly an idea flashed in his mind and he decided to display it on a busy street-square of that small town he was resident of. He wanted people's opinion about his caliber and painting skills..

He put his creation at a busy street-crossing. And just down below a board which read–

"Gentlemen, I have painted this piece. Since I'm new to this profession I might have committed some mistakes in my strokes etc. Please put a cross wherever you see a mistake."

While he came back in the evening to collect his painting he was completely shattered to see that whole canvass was filled with Xs (crosses) and some people had even written their comments on the painting.

Disheartened and broken completely he ran to his masters place and burst into tears. Sobbing and crying inconsolably he told his master about what happened and showed the pathetic state of his creation which was filled with marks everywhere. Such was the state that colors were not visible, only things one could see were crosses and correction remarks. This young artist was breathing heavily and master heard him saying "I'm useless and if this is what I have learnt to paint I'm not worth becoming a painter. People have rejected me completely.. I feel like dying"

Master smiled and suggested "My Son, I will prove that you are a great artist and have learnt a flawless painting."

Young disciple couldn't believe it and said "I have lost faith in me and I don't think I am good enough.. don't make false hopes.."

"Do as I say without questioning it.. It WILL work." Master interrupted him.

"Just paint exactly similar painting once again for me and give it to me. Will you do that for your master?.." Master instructed.

Young artist reluctantly agreed and two days later early morning he presented a replica of his earlier painting to his master. Master took that gracefully and smiled.

"Come with me." master said.

They reached the same street-square early morning and displayed the same painting exactly at the same place. Now master took out another board which read –

"Gentlemen, I have painted this piece. Since I'm new to this profession I might have committed some mistakes in my strokes etc. I have put a box with colors and brushes just below. Please do a favor. If you see a mistake, kindly pick up the brush and correct it."

Master and disciple walked back home.

They both visited the place same evening. Young painter was surprised to see that actually there was not a single correction done so far. But master wasn't satisfied as yet and he told his disciple "May be one day was too little a time for people to come up with ideas and take out time out of their busy schedules to correct it so let us keep it here for one more day. Tomorrow is Sunday, so we can expect some corrections coming in."

Next day again they visited and found painting remained untouched..

They say the painting was kept there for a month for no correction came in!

Moral of the story :

It is easier to criticize, but difficult to improve.

Make it a great Week !


Monday, August 1, 2011

Make A Commitment !

Welcome to 14th Monday Musings:

Whenever Thomas Edison had a new idea for an invention, he would announce it to the press, and then he would go to his lab to work on making his ideas into inventions. Committing to his plans publicly gave him a reason to stick to them.

In life we experience moments that inspire us to reach higher and change for the better, but often actually making that change in our lives is difficult, because we hide behind our doubts and fears, using them as an excuse not to begin. If we make a commitment, with family, friends and colleagues, we will be forced to work on it and will constantly be reminded about the promise we made.

 A commitment gives us a new power - no matter what comes in our way, it keeps us focused on our goals. Making a commitment is the first step to bringing about a change in your life - it opens the door to achievement.

The next step is acting on our commitments - Are we doing what we said we would do?

The easiest thing is to say what we will do.

The most difficult thing is to do what we said we would do.

Moral of the story :

Always make a commitment to yourself and be firm to it, The ‘most difficult’ thing is to do what we said we would do.

Commitment + Action = Achievement

Make it a great Week !
