Monday, June 10, 2013

Sukhi Ram or Dukhi Ram !

Welcome to 89th Monday Musings:

This is a story from a small town where a milk seller went from house to house for selling milk on his motorcycle.

He carried six milk cans, three on each side. The cans were creatively painted, which conveyed the excellence in which milkman practiced his chores.

In the town, there were frogs too, do what frogs usually do! And there was a school and its students. Young kids, especially naughty boys in the 6th grade get their kicks doing pranks, sometimes very naughty ones.

One boy, on this way to school, saw two happy bull frogs Sukhi Ram and Dukhi Ram instinctively grabbed them, with a lighting speed he open the lid of can and pushed the frog into it one in each cans, closed the lid and ran off to school.

Now Inside the drum the frogs found themselves in a tight spot.

Though Sukhi Ram quickly assessed the new situation and turned on his attitudinal light-bulb and Dukhi Ram couldn’t think anything

Let’s see the thoughts which Sukhi Ram & Dukhi Ram comes up with are:

Sukhi Ram
Dukhi Ram
You naughty boy, may God give you wisdom! don't ever do such foolish acts, which put others into trouble
You naughty boy, may you go to hell, your parent go to hell, your grandparent go to hell and all your relatives too!
Now, what can I do? How can I come out of this trouble with least damage? Quickly he thinks of SWOT analysis which focuses on right priorities. He reasons that his biggest strength(S) is - he can swim in liquids, and he does that with all his might, he know from the wisdom bank in his mind
That most difficult times last only for a little while, no difficult time is forever.
After all above negative thoughts, he starts blaming the god for making him so small that he can neither lift the lid nor does he have tool to drill a hole in the milk drum

Dukhi Ram didn't put any effort and eventually died in the can.

Sukhi Ram does his karma with dedication and soon finds himself of sitting on a butter lump - formed due the churning action of his swimming. He now feels safe for a while and waits for the favorable opportunity (O) to escape.

As soon as milkman removed the lid, our happy frog leaped to his freedom.

The truth also is frog knew from 'SWOT' analysis-his weakness(W) was that he could not swim for too long, and the threat (T) was that in case he took no action to change the situation, he would drown..

Moral of the story :

Keep positive attitude only, The Attitude is in your mind, Positive or Negative Your Choice? Your actions always depends on the way you thing.

Always do your SWOT analysis and act accordingly to your situation. A person like Sukhi Ram always finds a winning way because of Positive Attitude.

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it ~ Charles R. Swindoll

Make it a great Week !
