Monday, February 17, 2014

Love and Ego !

Welcome to 109th Monday Musings:

Once upon a time there was an island, where all the feelings lived

One day there was a storm in the sea and the island was about to get drowned.

Every feeling was scared,  Love was not scared and Love made a boat to escape .

Every feeling boarded the boat,  Only 1 feeling was left.

Love got down to see who it was..

It was EGO.

Love tried and tried but ego wasn't moving also.

the water was rising..

Every one asked love to leave him and come in the boat,

but love was made to love.

At last all the feelings escape and Love dies with ego on the island..

Love Dies because of EGO !

Moral of the story :

Never let your love die because of your EGO

Argument wins the situations but loses the person.
So when argue with your loved ones,
remember that situations is never more important than your loved ones.....

Make it a great Week !


Monday, February 10, 2014

The Stuck Truck - Creativity makes anything Possible !

Welcome to 108th Monday Musings:

There was an accident - a big truck got stuck under a bridge in the middle of a road.

It was trying to pass through the bridge, but a few inches got it complete stuck.

Firemen and policemen came to the scene of the accident.

They brought heavy equipment and tried pulling the truck out. No success.

Along comes a little boy and asks one of the policemen what is happening.

The policeman explained that the truck got stuck and that they trying to pull it out, but nothing is working.

The little boy stepped in to have a better look and after a few moments said "Why don’t you take the air out of the tires?"

The policeman was stunned at the suggestion.

A group of grown men couldn’t figure out something that a little boy found naturally in a few minutes.

The story goes that the policeman run to his team and they were able to pull the truck out within the next few minutes.

Moral of the story :

Such is the power of natural creativity. When we are born, we have pure minds where anything is possible.

As we grow older, We accumulate so much mental baggage of  things we can do and of things we cannot do, eventually we create a mental block.

"Don’t let mental blocks control you. Set yourself free. Confront your fear and turn the mental blocks into building blocks."

Remember: Sometimes a block comes from having too much, not too little.

Make it a great Week !


Monday, February 3, 2014

The Dog in the Well !

Welcome to 107th Monday Musings:

In old times, there was a village having only one well for drinking water.

One day a dog fell down in the well and died. The water became filthy and undrinkable

The worried villagers went to the old wise man for advice.

They were told to take 100 buckets of water from the well so that clean water come to the surface of the well.

The villagers took 100 buckets but water status was same.

They went to the wise man again. He suggested to take another 100 buckets.

The villagers did the same but to no avail. They villagers tried third time to take another 100 buckets as per the advice from the wise man but water was still impure.

The wise said, How come the whole well is polluted even removing this much considerable amount of water. Did you remove the dog body prior to taking 300 buckets of water?

The villagers said, "no sir, you only advised us to take water out, not the dog body !!!"

Moral of the story :

Several times in life we try to resolve our problems without considering the root cause of the problems.

We believe that we are resolving the problem whereas in actual we are working on the side effects of problem not the problem itself. We don't see the big picture to understand the root of the issue.  We take advice from our well-wishers but do not use our brain to think logically to analyze the advice and then decide, instead, we start acting blindly on the solutions suggested by others.

Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus all of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives.


Make it a great Week !
